There is one clear and present reason why conservative men, whether in politics or religion, are largely incapable of really transforming our culture, and it is a glaring issue.
Worth noting that if voting data is correct, women will skew against self-interest to support voluntary infanticide. It isn’t coercive men making it a hill to socially-culturally die on.
"Women can't be held accountable" is an absolute brainlet take, and I've seen far too much of it. The only thing it's good for is letting weak-wristed churchians larp as trad while they simp. Good article.
Worth noting that if voting data is correct, women will skew against self-interest to support voluntary infanticide. It isn’t coercive men making it a hill to socially-culturally die on.
"Women can't be held accountable" is an absolute brainlet take, and I've seen far too much of it. The only thing it's good for is letting weak-wristed churchians larp as trad while they simp. Good article.