Jun 28Liked by Rev. Matthew Littlefield

Great post. Learned a lot of arguments for the coming discussions with those "feminist type" women, of which one just recently made exactly that point (patriarchy) when it came to female priests in today's churches. The points you made regarding the female leadership in spiritual matters of pagan cultures were exactly the points I needed to have to counter her nonsense. Instead I quoted the Bible where female priesthood is explicitly forbidden which made her repeat her idiotic points.

Thank you very much Reverend!

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Glad this was helpful. Bless you.

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Jun 26Liked by Rev. Matthew Littlefield

Excellent summation, and if anyone needs more evidence - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=Churchianity+&m=1 - churchianity is the culprit! Christianity had to be converged first into churchianity - which most people ASSume to be Christianity - it ain't!

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I'll read your post, cheers.

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Jun 28Liked by Rev. Matthew Littlefield

BTW - you can do the same word search on CONSERVATIVE, CONSERVATISM or any other word in DaLimbraw Library and you'll find more confirmations of your position by various authors that I have archived.


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