So much of the world we live in and what we see happening is very clearly a result of people just outright ignoring the word of God and what it says on any given issue.
You're on target as usual - 'women rule over us and children are our oppressors', as Isaiah wrote....and here's more - about WOMEN and FEMINISM - - from DaLimbraw Library - it's really not that complicated - forget His instructions and you're lost in chaos.
Nice. Encouraging to see one of my older articles in the list. Vox Day sums it up better than most of us, of course.
You're on target as usual - 'women rule over us and children are our oppressors', as Isaiah wrote....and here's more - about WOMEN and FEMINISM - - from DaLimbraw Library - it's really not that complicated - forget His instructions and you're lost in chaos.
Nice. Encouraging to see one of my older articles in the list. Vox Day sums it up better than most of us, of course.