From Hospital System to Merchants of Death
The hospital system began as a Christian charity. Hospital comes from the same root words as hospice and hospitality and originally means a place of care and ministry to the needy. Forms of medicine predate Christianity, of course, the Hippocratic oath is an ancient Greek statement. But only the Christian West created large, charitable institutions, specifically devoted to the care of the sick and needy, and it originally it was done at great sacrifice and cost to the providers, with no government subsidies or profit motive.
For decades, more, Western countries have been functioning under the myth that you can secularise medical care and align it with a profit motive. It's the biggest business in the world, now. But this has completely corrupted the whole system. Read the original Hippocratic oath compared to the watered-down modern versions, they are now deplorable. Here are some examples of how modern medicine has gone wrong. For one, the original Hippocratic oath explicitly notes, "With regard to healing the sick, I will devise and order for them the best diet, according to my judgment and means; and I will take care that they suffer no hurt or damage."[1] Notice that the first thing they swore to do for the good of their patients was arrange for them a good diet? The modern version does not go into this explicitly, though you could say it is covered under “all measures” to help the sick. However, with no explicit mention it is no wonder it has become such a small part of modern medicine.
I know some doctors will from time to time discuss diet. But how often do you go to the doctor and this is never mentioned, or they are very overweight themselves? Bad diet can make anything from a mild cold to any other kind of sickness far worse. But don't worry there is a pharmaceutical option you will likely be prescribed in replace of dieting advice. Doctors once swore an oath to make sure their patients ate well, because diet is a large part, the largest part, of health. But there is an even more stark difference. Note this comparison.
The original Hippocratic Oaths says,
"Nor shall any man's entreaty prevail upon me to administer poison to anyone; neither will I counsel any man to do so. Moreover, I will give no sort of medicine to any pregnant woman, with a view to destroy the child. Further, I will comport myself and use my knowledge in a godly manner."[2]
So, no abortion and no Euthanasia. The ancient form of the oath saw it as the doctor's job to do all he could to preserve life, and to work in a healthy and godly manner.
The revised version says something very different, and it is perhaps the one your doctor took,
"Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God."[3]
The modern doctor sees it within their role to "humbly" play the role of God, while also denying that they would ever do that. How do they do that? By allowing for their right to take a life. The nerve of them to think they have that right. They might have the power, but they corrupt medicine completely by claiming to have that right.
One of the things which has caused western medicine to become so advanced in many different areas in the past has been the push to lessen pain and suffering, and to try and stave off death. These twin powerful motivations have been an integral part of why so many researchers and doctors have poured endless hours into improving times of intense suffering and also solving deadly diseases. What do you think allowing for euthanasia is going to do to that motivation over time? If you think this will not have an effect, I am sorry, but you do not understand human nature.
See how much of a massive difference there is between the old philosophy and the new?
Healthcare has been inverted in a large way. We are now seeing the increasing fruit of that. There is still much good in the hospital system, but the yeast of a terrible evil has been spreading for some time.
During the big cough hospitals also took great delight in denying countless people lifesaving medical treatment for ideological reasons. Pastors and other Christians celebrated their evil policies (may God sort them out). Till recently, maybe even still, people were denied treatment because they refused an unrelated medical intervention they did not want or need. Pharmaceutical companies knowingly sell countless drugs with side effects worse than the illnesses they are purported to help, often including death, and instead of sanctioning them the authorities authourise the add on drugs they make for the side effects they created themselves. In countless ways our hospital system has been corrupted by a massive stream of death dealers and drug dealers, and people willing to offer death sentences for ideological reasons dressed up as 'medical policy.'
So, it is correct to condemn the words of those two nurses to the Israeli man captured on video recently. What they said was deplorable. For sure, condemn their intentions and their words. Just don't ignore the kind of systemic evil that attracts such sociopaths to the modern hospital system. It was always a myth that we could disconnect charity and Christianity from medicine and keep the meaning of hospital in the hospital system. Now the fruits of that foolishness are manifesting in many evils. Why do you think such people are attracted to our modern healthcare system? Because it now accommodates many ideological death dealers. You've just become numb to that, until it hits closer to home.
List of References
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.